am a lawyer in Washington State where assisted suicide is legal. Our
law is based on a similar law in Oregon. Both laws are similar to HB391,
which is pending in the Utah legislature. I disagree with Nancy
Thompson that passing that bill will enhance individual choice (Feb. 27).
Legal assisted suicide is, instead, a recipe
for elder abuse. HB391, like Washington's law, allows one of two
witnesses on the lethal dose request form to be an heir who will
financially benefit from the patient's death. Once the lethal dose is
issued by the pharmacy, there is no oversight. Even if the patient
struggled, who would know? (For more information, click here).
Thompson compares legalizing assisted suicide to pet euthanasia in which the owner, not the pet, makes the decision to end the pet's life. More to the point, the pet does not get to choose.
I hope that you can keep assisted suicide out of Utah.
Don't make Washington's mistake.
Margaret Dore