Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Cost of Financial Exploitation Study and Infographic Released for Utah Victims

From the National Institute of Health List Serve:  

Utah is pleased to release the new Cost of Financial Exploitation Study on Utah Elders.  This new study calculates the cost of exploitation to seniors, the State, and financial institutions in 2010.  The study finds a 50% increase in the cost of financial exploitation from 2008.  The average victim in Utah is exploited out of $85,253.  If the victim has dementia/organic brain disorder that average loss increases to $128,288.
To read the full report and accompanying infographic 'stealing from grandma' please go to www.dhs.utah.gov.
Jilenne Gunther, M.S.W., J.D.
Legal Services Developer
State of Utah
Division of Aging & Adult Services
195N. 1950W.
Salt Lake City, UT  84116
Ph:  (801) 538-4263
Fax:  (801) 538-4395